I’m an iOS developer based in London, UK.

I love creating mobile applications that solve problems and delight users. I’m happy to connect with anyone passionate about developing for Apple’s platforms.

You can drop me an email, follow me on Mastodon or find me on GitHub.


Imperial Weather →

A weather app that displays temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time.

Built with SwiftUISwiftCharts, CoreLocation, Codable and data from OpenWeather.

Features adaptive stack views, accessible text sizes and VoiceOver support.

Critical Movies →

An iOS app that shows New York Times movie reviews with a focus on Critics’ Picks.

Built with UIKit, UICollectionView, Auto Layout, and New York Times movie reviews.

Features infinite scroll, cell reuse, search, error handling, and unit tests.


  • Migrating Critical Movies to a new API

    The New York Times deprecated the Movie Reviews API that powered Critical Movies. I needed to migrate the app to a new API with a different response structure.